We are a member of the ISSA (International Sanitary Services Association). Our Company is a multi-award-winning organisation across various industry sectors. These include healthcare, education, industrial, retail, commercial and hospitality.
All staff members have been issued with cloth face masks, gloves and hand sanitiser to perform all duties. Staff has been trained in the correct use and removal of PPE as well as the disinfection of re-usable PPE to prevent cross-contamination.
We are using a wide range of certified and approved products to ensure that we obtain the best results possible. We also use enzymatic and natural products. Our sanitisers and disinfectants are effective against a wide range of viruses, bacteria and fungi.
We supply a wide range of dispensers, f rom sensor to manual units. These units come in a wide range of colours.
Employees are continually trained and are highly skilled in infection prevention. This stems f rom our 26-years’ experience in the healthcare environment. In addition, weekly ‘tool box’ talks are held to empower all our people to follow accredited practices (SOPs) to ensure the safety of themselves and others. They contribute towards public hygiene and bring value to their communities through their skills and knowledge.
All hygiene dispensers carry a supplier warranty and all products carry various local and international certifications f rom different regulatory bodies, such as the SABS, SANAS and the NRSC.
A host of educational posters and guidelines are displayed to facilitate learning and create awareness.
We are well equipped to deal with:
COVID-19 cleans
We have an extensive range of hygiene related dispensers to ensure the off ice working environment has the capability to provide safe sanitation for its people, comprising seat sanitisers, sensor hand sanitisers, paper towel dispensers, shoe sanitising mats, and broad-spectrum disinfectants.
Return-to-work washroom deep cleaning
Our highly trained staff also provides deep cleaning of washroom toilets, basins, urinals and showers, which assists in maintaining productivity, and ensuring employees feel safe and confident that every measure has been taken into account. With our roots in the healthcare sector, Tsebo Hygiene Solutions is equipped to offer a tailored solution to help your organisation to reduce the risks of spreading the SARS-CoV-2 virus and other pathogens.
Specialised pest control
Our Pest Control Solutions provide expertise and flexibility in monitoring, managing and removing all forms of pests in the domestic, commercial, industrial and FMCG environment. We also operate across all sectors, including, retail environments, production, distribution, healthcare, educational and food manufacturers.